Hello readers! HAPPY 2017!!! It’s been awhile since my last blog post, So today we will be talking about my lego cupid trap.
Valentine’s day is probably over now but on Valentine’s day we made traps to catch Valentino Cupid as you can see in the picture above. Everyone in our class made one, we all made them out of lego bricks. I like lego but I used to love lego now I don’t use lego that much, but I do use it to make stop motion animation once in awhile. Stop motion animation is when you take lots of pictures and make a video and lots of people use lego people, some people use clay but lego is easier because you don’t have to make the people.
Any way I have a question for you! What is the happiest animal on earth? Share your answer is the comments below!
Thanks for reading see you next time!